MoU PT. Biruni Altha Etam & Hae In Machinery: Kolaborasi Sukses

Uniting Strengths for a Promising Future

MoU PT. Biruni Altha

Jakarta, (6 Oktober 2023) – Dalam sebuah langkah bersejarah menuju pertumbuhan dan inovasi, PT. Biruni Altha Etam dan Hae In Machinery Co., Ltd. resmi menandatangani MoU PT. Biruni Altha Etam (MoU) pada acara yang megah di Hotel AYANA Midplaza Jakarta. Kesepakatan ini telah lama dinanti dan bertujuan untuk menggandengkan kekuatan kedua perusahaan guna menciptakan masa depan yang menjanjikan dalam industri.

Acara penandatanganan MoU tersebut dihadiri oleh sejumlah eksekutif dan pemimpin dari PT. Biruni Altha Etam dan Hae In Machinery Co., Ltd., serta sejumlah tamu undangan terkemuka, yang turut menyaksikan momen bersejarah ini.

Synergy between PT. Biruni Altha Etam and Hae In Machinery Co., Ltd.

This MoU agreement reflects the commitment of both companies to work together in various aspects of business, including research and development, technology exchange and joint marketing. PT. Biruni Altha Etam, which has long been known as a supplier of heavy equipment components/spare parts, will collaborate with Hae In Machinery Co., Ltd., which also has a superior reputation in the construction and mining equipment manufacturing sector, to create strong synergies.

The signing of this MoU marks the beginning of a promising partnership between PT. Biruni Altha Etam and Hae In Machinery Co., Ltd. With a shared vision to foster innovation, growth and sustainability, this partnership has the potential to bring positive change to the industry and customers of both.

In an increasingly competitive business environment, this kind of collaboration becomes very important, and with a high spirit of collaboration, PT. Biruni Altha Etam and Hae In Machinery Co., Ltd. ready to embark on a journey towards a brighter and more successful future together.